Sunday, February 17, 2013

Moving Countries

I have been offered a job back in Japan beginning in March. I first lived overseas in 2006. I was 22 and had just graduated from University. It seemed like a fantastic adventure, and it was. It was rushed and I had about a month to get all belongings ready, however I was living at home and while that seemed like a huge job, it is nothing compared to the amount of things I have to do now, now that I have a whole home set up. I thought that I would share some of the things I am doing in preparation for this move. The list is quite substantial and I am going for a year.

Make sure your passport is valid and usually it has to be valid for longer than 6 months, even if your holiday will not last this long. Also leave a photocopy of the front page of your passport with someone responsible back home.

Apply for the correct Visa. Allow time for this too, depending on where you are going and what type of Visa is needed.

Appoint someone Power of Attorney. Read up about this. It IS important should anything happen to you, or even simple things like cancelling mobile plans if you can't do this before you leave.

Apply for an International Licence. There are different rules for different countries. In South Australia, you apply with 1 passport sized photo and fill out a form and the licence is given to you on the day.

Ensure your licence in your home country is still valid. If need be, renew this earlier. Without it, you may not have any photo ID, should you lose your passport. Your International Licence will also not be valid if your licence from your home country is not in date.

If you are Australian, register on

Get a check up at the doctors and any immunisations you may need.

Research travel insurance options. Make sure you read the fine print.

If going to a country which does not speak your language, buy a phrase book.

Record friend's and family's numbers and addresses somewhere in case your phone goes missing or does not work overseas.

Revise or make a Will.

Cancel or suspend all services you may have back home e.g. Phone lines, Internet, Private Health

I am sure there are more things that I will need to do and this list will get bigger, but these are the major things I am working my way through now.

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