Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Let's Learn about Japan!

My lovely friend Ai gave me 'The Illustrated Guide to Japan - Daily Life & Society' (JTB). It's a book about everything possible in Japan. I have found some things I thought I would share, from what I have read...

On December 31st in the Akita Prefecture (state) 'Young men dressed as demons in fearsome masks enter people's houses yelling, "Whoop, whoop, naguko wa inegaa?" ("Are there any whiny children here?") to warn children against laziness' It's called Namahage. - I do wonder how well that would work in Australia....I am thinking about returning to work in Australia wearing a demon mask.

Did you know that Japanese people rarely wear loincloths in daily life??? Nowadays loinclothes are for climbing up ropes hanging down from the temple roof during the Yanaizu hadaka mairi festival in July.

In Japan they actually have a name for a certain type of single person...the Parasite Single! These are apparently single people who earn steady incomes but remain living with their parents...charming isn't it?!?!
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