Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Shimada Obi Festival

The Obi Festival only comes around every 3 years and I missed it the last time I was here, so I wasn't missing it this time! It is a symbolic festival for wishes of prosperity and fertility. I went a little overboard with the photos so I had to pick a few of my favourite from the 100+ photos I took on the day.

Thursday, October 3, 2013

Rubbish Day

It's burnable rubbish day! No fancy bins here. You carry your bags of rubbish to the street to designated areas and the trucks pick them up from there. This happens twice a week.

The truth is, the trucks possibly wouldn't even make down some of the narrow streets in my neighbourhood.

Same applies for recycling, unfortunately though this is only once a month for paper and once a month for glass and metal. 

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